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Infrastructure; A Way to Growth and Development for India.

Infrastructure is most important part of a country's economy. It provides supporting services in the main areas of industrial and agricultural production and commerce. The country will be developed if its infrastructure is good. The infrastructure includes the services such as roads, ports, airports, transportation, electricity, railways, gas and oil pipelines, hospitals, drinking water, education and etc.

Have you ever thought of some states like Gujarat, Punjab and Himachal Pradesh are performing much better than others in various sectors? It is all because these states have superior and better infrastructure facilities than other remaining states. Some states have better education and heath facilities and the others have better irrigation and transportation.

Some divide infrastructure into two different categories – Economic and Social. Energy, Transportation and Communication are the part of Economic Infrastructure. Heath and Education are part of social Infrastructure. According to a report there will be high growth and development in the field of infrastructure. India is ready to provide an efficient infrastructure facility.

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