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Poverty – A Challenge for Indian Economy.

      Some of the most challenging issues facing India today are poverty, development of rural areas and building better infrastructure. We are billion strong country today and our human capital is the biggest asset ever; it needs investment in health and education. We also need to understand the concept of generating new employment for the youths of the country.

     As Adam Smith said “No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.” Economists identifies the poor on the basis of their occupation and ownership of assets. Mainly most of the poor people are from rural and underdeveloped areas. Landless labours are the part of this poverty.

     However, we need to know where we stand today. Poverty is not only a challenge for India, as more than one fifth of the world’s poor live in India alone; but also, for the world where about 300 million people are not able to meet their basic needs. Poverty leads to malnutrition of poor people in the society. Hence it is a necessary to tackle the problems of poverty. 

Pramodkumar Patil
CEO PVL                                                                    

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